Thursday, November 29, 2012


Campaign to Deny Jewish People Historic Link to Land of Israel Continues Unabated
November 29, 2012
"Today's vote in the UN has nothing to do with reality. Peace in the Middle East will only come when the Palestinians sit down with the Israelis and negotiate. There is no other way to achieve peace in the Middle East." — Rabbi Marvin Hier 

Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas has once again shown he never misses an opportunity to miss an opportunity for peace. Instead of pursuing direct negotiations with Israel for a Two-State solution, and in violation of the 1993 Oslo Accords, Abbas unilaterally pressed the UN General Assembly to upgrade Palestine to a Non Member Observer State. 

Today, he got his wish and continues the insidious campaign to erase a deep and abiding truth: the Jewish people have a profound history in the Holy Land dating back over 3,500 years. Abbas himself recently declared, “[The Jews] claim that 2,000 years ago they had a Temple. I challenge the claim that this is so.” This slander echoes, the lies spread by official Palestinian TV which, according to Palestinian Media Watch recently aired an interview stating, "No trace of Jewish history in 'our land' … Temple exists on the minds of radical organizations." 
Tragically, the NGO world and most world leaders, including many churches have not uttered a word as Palestinian propaganda infers that the prophetic writings of Isaiah, Jeremiah and Ezekiel – revered by Jews and Christians alike – were never uttered in the Holy Land.And this is what today has become the new ‘Big Lie’ - that the Jewish people are intruders in their own land.

Nothing new here. 

Between legitimate concern and support for the Palestinian People, and the mountainous overt anti-(Jewish) Semitism in the rest of the world, lies a major reason for the long functioning conflict. In keeping the flames of conflict burning between Israel, the Jewish People, and the rest of the Arab and Islamic world of a billion people, the power elites will be assured of continuous warfare, murder, and destruction, all huge money-makers.

Is this serious?  YES IT IS!.  Israel has fought five major wars, excluding the recent Gaza strike. As you may be aware, it IS mostly Arab blood that pours out in these confrontations.  And it is a major source of weaponry-testing and destruction that is so happily achieved. And, it is also the weapon used by the power elites in the Arab World that enables them to remain in power.  The so called "Arab Spring" has been a fight over power. And when the dust settles and the targets have been adequately hammered, the old or the new power elites will return to the conflicts with Israel.

What else do you want to know?  My children are safe.  Their children are mostly safe.  It is my great-grandchildren who are no longer safe.  It is they who will bear the burden of defending Israel.  Their precious blood will be spilled and mixed with the non-precious blood of the young Arab victims and the young Islamic victims of the world of Islam. The white-bearded Imams will nod appreciatively at their martyrs and the Jews will cry out in mourning their beloved children, who will be buried in the identical earth as the "martyrs."