Wednesday, June 1, 2011


MAY 28, 2011
Will there always be war?  Yes!  Against Israel?  Probably? Why?  There’s money to be made at it.
So, where’s the money in the wars against Israel by the Muslim, Arab, Islamic world coming from?  Who is paying it?  Who benefits from it? Who started the wars?  Who keeps them going?
And, as a corollary to those questions, “Will it ever end?”
The answer to the corollary is, “No, but only so long as money can be made from it.”
So, who is making the money?  Where does the money come from?
Power Elites, the Kings and Queens, their Knights, Bishops and Business Kingdoms, make the money.  The Pawns pay for it. They pay the actual money, the fruits of their labor, and they pay with their lives and blood. Every revolution in history, led by masses of lower classes, led to a new or hidden power elite of religious leaders, wealthy barons, military hierarchies, and patriotic orators who then became the rulers, the oligarchs and Mullas, the upper echelon of the military, who controlled the countries.
How does this happen?
Beneficiaries of war, the Power Elites, are the owners of and are in control of the means and needs of war.  They control the political process that leads nations to war and they control the weapons of war through manufacture or purchase. And finally, they are partners with the educators of the pawns who conduct the actual war.  Those education partners are the religious institutions of the nations, the teachers of patriotism, and the acceptable graduates of military institutions. 
All of these educators use fear to motivate the people to war. The tools of fear are simple and powerful.  You have lost what you had and the enemy will never give it back without a fight.  Your country, your land, your job, your family, are what the “other” wants and plans to take from you.  Your religion and belief in your Gods is in danger from infidels and non-believers.  They will destroy and desecrate your holy places.  They are savages who will rape your wives, tear your children limb from limb, gouge out your eyes and cut your throat.  Let’s beat them to it!
This is the simple part of starting a war.
Three elements are necessary for a successful war. Sellers, Buyers, and merchandise carriers.  Each of these elements belong to a class and must be educated and equipped to fulfill their roles. The Sellers belong to and are the Power Elites.  The Buyers are the governments of nations, quietly controlled by the Power Elites. And the merchandise carriers are the merchants, airmen, sailors, and soldiers, the medical units, the intelligence arms, the trainers of the pawns in methods of killing and methods of dying. And all of them are preachers of patriotism and God and Right is are on Our side.
And the non-warriors, old folks, needed producers, provide the funds for war by harvesting and selling the crops, making and selling the goods, working and earning their wages, and all paying their taxes to the kings and queens, the presidents and prime ministers, the governments that clothe their children, and equip them for war and killing, and dying, all with the fruits of their own labor, with their hard-earned money.
War partners are economic partners.  Value systems be damned! Kingdoms, sheikdoms, democracies, dictatorships, can all be partners.  You have oil.  I have guns.  You have land.  I have rice. We oligarchies and we democracies can always get along.  That is, unless you will not give me what I want or the other way around.  I’ll take care of starting the war.  You take care of soldiering it.  We’ll cooperate on the seas but not on the land or in the air.  We work it out.  You have what I want and I have what you want and if Iraq or Germany or Russia or Darfur or Israel or Egypt or Bosnia gets in the way, that’s perfect.  Let’s us sign a “Peace Accord.”  For now, let’s keep it, “All Quiet on the Western Front.”